2008年12月11日 星期四

ENTERS 老師&學生用的部落格網址







Yesterday 道明中學黃瓊慧老師 called me said that the “Students’ Blog” and “Teachers’ blog” comment postors need to have yahoo or blogger user ID to put on their comments. As I check the blog, it is! The responsors need to have it’s yahoo or blogger user ID. But it is not difficult to get it. Simply key in your e-mail and set your password you can have it in one minute.

Any topic that you want me to add in please tell us, just leave the title here I will add it on.
I would like to call for an editor of the 2 blogs, if you are interested in handle these 2 blogs please let me know I will mail you the ID and password.

2008年11月16日 星期日


0. 構思數位化教學推動策略
1. 請覓尋一所國外合作學校
2. 校內分組分工
3. 建立學校網頁(或網站) -> 請多利用ENTERS平台教學資源並分享推動經驗,本計劃資訊將透過此一平台溝通互動維持各學校間的聯繫
4. 進行數位化教學 (97/10/1~98/2/21)
5. 資料整合上網
6. 參加國際研討會 -> 12/19-20 12/19 於高雄市道明中學舉行 (8:30am-5:30pm)
12/20 網路視訊會議 (http://ENTERS.stu.edu.tw)
7. 持續進行校內與國際合作數位化教學
8. 參加期末成果發表會 -> 2/21 (暫定)





1.Learning to know(學習知的能力):學習基本知識技能。
2.Lesrning to do(學習動手做):培養自主學習與終身學習的能力。
3.Learning to live together(學習與他人相處):具備世界公民素養、國際觀與文化了解的能力。4.Learning to be(學習自我實現):展現天賦潛能、實踐個人的責任與目標,成為熱愛生活、有道德的社會人。

2001年歐盟提出了關於未來教育應提供民眾具備終身學習的八大關鍵能力(key competency):
5.學習如何學習的能力:時間管理 解決問題 蒐集資訊 有效運用資訊的能力,更具體說,管理個人職業生涯的能力。
7.創業家精神:能夠擁抱改變 勇於創新 自我設定目標 策略,追求成功。
8.文化表達能力:能夠欣賞創意、體驗各種美感(音樂 文學 藝術)經驗。

1.個人的自我得到充分的發展、創造個人的文化資本:能夠依個人的興趣 天賦 熱情追求人生的目標。


2008年9月23日 星期二


21世紀的公民基本能力 Core Competencies for the 21st Century

1. 問題解決能力 (problem solving skill)
2. 時間-資源管理能力 (time & resource management)
3. 自我學習能力(self study)
4. 協同合作能力 (collabrative skill)
5. 國際觀 (global view)
6. 語言能力 (language skill)
7. 資訊作業能力 ( ICT skill)

This 7 competancies were originally from Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development,OECD (經濟合作與發展組織,簡稱經合組織)


What is ENTERS?
Dear international partners, on behalf of Taiwan K-12 teachers and students, we would like to invite our international partners to join our ENTERS project in 2008 –Educational Networking in Taiwan for Excellence in Resource Sharing. In the global village connected by the Internet, industries from different walks of life utilize information technology to reform the enterprises, to promote work efficiency, and to improve the quality of service. The application of the information technology facilitates the prosperous development of modern society. There is no exception for education. Both teachers’ teaching and students’ learning should incorporate the advantages of modern technology. Consequently, continuous changes could be made in accordance with the facilitation modern technology could provide with. Recognizing the importance of information technology to students’ learning, the government in Taiwan is establishing an online environment to prepare students for the information society in the 21st century and to promote their problem –solving abilities. Meanwhile, it is crucial that students need to understand the world more and their international awareness and perspective should be fostered to cope with the globalization. With the strong support from Ministry of Education (MOE), we have begun to design and create an online learning environment for students in Taiwan. The core spirit lies in our students’learning collaboratively with international partners. In echo with this mission, we plan to conduct a project-based learning (PBL) project-- Collaborative On-line Network and Culture Exchange Project in Taiwan. In this plan, we hope that students from different contries will be invited to study with Taiwan student via internet. All together students will learn asynchornously and synchronously through the Internet. Based on the WebQuest theory, one team from Taiwan will match with the other team from abroad as follows:
1. They plan their own projects and formulate the topics.
2 They discuss the problems online and finally come to the solutions.
3. Such a process-oriented project includes the learning processes as follows:
(1). To formulate topics
(2). To decide learning tasks
(3). To establish the exploring processes and the procedures
(4). To seek the resources
(5). To conclude the project
This project will recruit 20 schools from the elementary to high school level in Taiwan. Each school teams coached by 1-3 teachers. The details are published in the following website:
http://enters.stu.edu.tw/PBL For more information about PBL, please refer to the following website:
1. http://course.fed.cuhk.edu.hk/s031705/EDD5169F/
2. http://www.berksiu.k12.pa.us/webquest/bowman/index.htmx.htm
3. http://et.sdsu.edu/APaxton-smith/eslwebquest/WebQuest.htmsmith/eslwebquest/WebQuest.htm
4.http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Mouse/8059/CurriculumQuest.htmlCurriculumQuest.html 5.http://projects.edtech.sandi.net/grant/oceanpollution/introduction.html

We look forward to seeing you on line soon!

Truly yours, Committee of ENTERS, Taiwan
If youwant to know more about this activity, please mail to
